Level 3, Innovation – The Sankaran Masterclass
This module consists of the basics of understanding the Kingdom and its classification into Plant, Mineral and Animal. The general qualities which define each kingdom are discussed with case examples.
This module consists of the basics of understanding the Kingdom and its classification into Plant, Mineral and Animal. The general qualities which define each kingdom are discussed with case examples.
Talk 1: Fundamentals of the Kingdom Approach Part 1
How the patient perceives or reacts to reality tells us which Kingdom the patient belongs to. After studying several hundred cases, Dr. Sankaran came to the conclusion that there is a very clear difference between people who need Mineral, Plant and Animal remedies. The people who need a mineral remedy see the problem as one of their own capability, while those who need a plant remedy see the problem as one of their sensitivity and reactivity to a specific situation and people who need an animal remedy perceives the situation as one of struggle for survival especially in the phase of competition. The broad difference between each kingdom is described in this talk which makes it easier when each kingdom is further studied in detail.
Talk 2: Fundamentals of the Kingdom Approach Part 2
Continuing the last talk about Kingdom classification and the main differences between the Mineral, the Plant and the Animal Kingdom, Dr Sankaran takes the differentiation a little bit deeper by discussing each kingdom in detail with various cases for a better understanding.
In this module Dr. Sankaran in-depth discusses each of the Plant families. The families are grouped in a way such that the families having a common sensation are clubbed together so the subtle difference between them could be understood even though their sensation is very much similar. Each family is discussed with regards to their sensitivity, sensations, active, passive reactions and compensation. To understand it much better, for each family in detail cases are discussed which helps us understand how to probe and get to know the exact sensitivity of the patient.
Talk 1: Plant Kingdom 1 – Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae
In this video Dr. Sankaran shares regarding the plant classification and understanding the issue of sensitivity of plants. How the sensation can be best expressed in four different ways: The sensation itself, passive reaction, an active reaction and compensation. He further shares how to identify the sensation of a family, identification of the miasm of each remedy of the family, and understanding the common sensation in a given family. This video focuses on the families Anacardiaceae and Euphorbiaceae.
Talk 2: Plant Kingdom 2 – Solanaceae, Umbelliferae and Loganiaceae
This talk aims at understanding the Solanaceae, Umbelliferae and Loganiaceae families. These three families have a common sensation which we can call as ‘Shock’. All of them experience ‘Shock’ in a different way, with a different quality and this talk aims at understanding the minute differences in the reaction of each family.
Talk 3: Plant Kingdom 3 – Leguminosae, Conifers, Malvales, and Scrophulariaceae
In this talk Dr. Sankaran discusses the Plant families Leguminosae, Conifers, Malvales and Scrophulariaceae. The talk features Laurie Dack as a guest speaker where she presents and discusses a case of a remedy in one of the above families. Attached and detached, connected and disconnected, being together and being separate are the sensations and experiences common to all the four families and this talk focuses on exploring the exact experience of each of these families and therefore also the differences between the sensations in these families.
Talk 4: Plant Kingdom 4 – Papaveraceae and Compositae
In this talk, Dr. Sankaran talks about plant families Papavaraceae and Compositae. Both these families have the common sensation of Shock and the patients are sensitive to and affected by injury, accident and fright. They experience the trauma physically and mentally. There is great pain, and the opposite of this – numbness and anaesthesia.
Talk 5: Plant Kingdom 5 – Hamamelidae, Labiatae, Piperaceae, and Rubiaceae
This video focuses on 4 plant families – Hamamelidae, Labiatae, Piperaceae and Rubiaceae. These four families have a common sensation which one might call excitement or stimulation. Understanding these through cases in the end Dr. Sankaran discusses the difference between these 4 families which gives a quick overview of all 4 families and their differentiation.
Talk 6 – Plant Kingdom 6 – Ranunculaceae, Liliflorae and Carnivorous Plants
The last video of the plant families focuses on Ranunculaceae, Lillifloraceae, & Carnivorous plants. Dr. Sankaran shares how and why a Ranuncluaceae patient experiences anger, fright and grief all at the same time intermingled with one another which are characteristic of this family. He shares the 5 basic trapping mechanisms of the Carnivorous plants along with cases and also towards the end of the talk he shares the difference between Nitrogen and carnivorous plants.
In this module Dr. Sankaran explains the vast periodic table by dividing them into 6 talks where in each talk, 1 row is discussed and the remedies in the columns corresponding to the rows. These 6 talks give us detailed information about the common issues of each row and how we could identify them in patients.
Talk 1: Structure Overview and Row 1
Continuing the study on kingdoms this video starts with the understanding of the Mineral Kingdom. What is a Mineral, the main issue of Minerals being Structure, Completeness and incompleteness, the indicative Mineral Keywords – Words suggesting the issue of structure and human words in minerals. This talk is an overview of Mineral expressions and experiences, an overview of the Rows – The Important Issues of the Rows, an overview of the Columns and the Progressive Development across the Columns. Dr. Sankaran talks of Row-1: Conception and Existence, the issues of Row 1 and Keywords along with illustrative cases.
Talk 2: Row 2- Existence / Birth
In this talk, Dr. Sankaran helps us understand Row Two- The Fetal life and the birth process. He shares how the issues in Row Two correspond with the experience of a fetus from the intrauterine phase within the womb through the phase of labor to the separation from the womb. ‘Am I a part of something or am I separate? ‘Am I attached or detached? He makes correlations between fetal life, patients’ experiences and remedy symptoms. He also shares the Keywords of Row Two along with illustrative cases of remedies related to each.
Talk 3: Row 3 – Identity
In this video Dr. Sankaran shares the themes of 3rd row – Identity, care and nourishment. The experience of a person needing a remedy from the third row corresponds to the stage of development in a child of approximate age 3-6 years where they begin to develop and assert their choice, to develop and demand the ability to do things for themselves and to become conscious of themselves and of other people’s impressions about them. It is also the stage where the child needs warmth, nourishment, care and emotional support. He further shares the themes and issues of the Individual Elements of Row Three and cases to understand better.
Talk 4: Row 4- Security
Moving forward with the understanding of the Mineral Kingdom, this talk focuses on the Row 4 of the periodic table and their main issue of security, which is in terms of money/finances, relationships, house, job and health. After establishing one’s identity which is in Row 3, the next step is to develop one’s health and acquire a job and shelter i.e. being secure and stable by doing the regular day-to-day work or daily tasks or jobs. Dr. Sankaran further shares the themes and issues of the Individual Elements of Row Four, and illustrative case examples to understand the remedies.
Talk 5: Row 5- Creativity & Performance
In this talk Dr. Sankaran shares about Row 5 and the issues being facing the new, creativity and performance. This is the stage of professional development that one looks for after establishing one’s basic security or foundation in finances and health. He further shares how the Row 5 is related to creativity, innovation, invention, problem-solving, facing the new, adventure, performance, need for appreciation and sensitivity to criticism etc. He shares in detail regarding each remedy along with case examples which help us understand better in the patient language.
Talk 6: Row 6- Responsibility, Leadership
The last video of the mineral kingdom focuses on row 6 and row 7 of the periodic table. The main issue of Row 6 is responsibility, the need for power and the need to withstand high pressure so Responsibility – Leadership – Power is the core of Row 6 and we understand this through each remedy and cases. Dr. Sankaran further shares that the main issue of Row 7 is about a high sense of duty and responsibility, under which they feel overloaded, overburdened, pulled back, held together and confined.
Like we saw in Plant Kingdom two diametrically opposite poles, one sensation and one reaction is seen. In the Minerals, it’s somewhat uni -dimensional in terms of Structure. But when it comes to an Animal, you see it’s a process where one thing leads to another thing and you see that there is a whole life cycle or a process and in this process comes birth, survival, death, attack, defense, sexuality etc. So there is a beginning, middle and an end. A whole cycle that happens and not a specific sensation or a specific capability. Every subclass, every creature has its own process, its own lifecycle which is seen in individuals in their experience. The themes of victim Aggressor, attractiveness, natural behavior, survival strategies, sexuality are explained in each talk along with cases which help us understand the patient expression.
Talk 1: Survival – Overview
In this talk Dr. Sankaran gives an introduction to the Animal world and their features of survival. The aspects of me versus myself/others, the stronger versus the weaker, the victim versus the aggressor, the predator versus the prey, attack and defense, fight for supremacy, living in groups, communication, sensitivity to Music, connection with the source and many more aspects are discussed. He further shares the miasms in the animal kingdom. This talk also covers the Mollusca Anatomy, shell, and classes of Molluscs, their locomotion, reproduction, life Cycle, food habits, attack and defense, expressions of Mollusca in the Patient etc.
Talk 2: Insects
In this talk, Dr Sankaran discusses the features of Insecta which are metamorphosis, moulting, sucking parts, highly structured social organization seen in insects, their life cycle, food habits, behavior, attack and defense etc. He helps us find a homoeopathic correlation and shows how we see these features in patients. The other aspects of a very short life span, high and impulsive, sexuality, restlessness, speed and agility, moulting and metamorphosis are discussed.
Talk 3: All about Arachnids
Into the world of Arachnids, Dr. Sankaran shares a few cases of various remedies from this class along with the features of the Arachnids. He shares the attack of spiders, the defenses they use when attacked like Mimicry and disguise, Camouflage, the various groups of spiders in homeopathy being the Cross spiders, Black widows, Wolf spiders and Bird spiders. He shares cases where we see how these subtle characteristics of spiders can be seen in patients and how we should be able to understand the patient expressions.
Talk 4: Into the world of Reptiles Part 1
In this talk Dr. Sankaran shares the classification of replies, their general features like cold-bloodedness, their hearing, skin and scaling, food habits, laying eggs, locomotion, attack and defense and the human expression of the reptile experience being two facedness, jealousy etc. Through cases we see how these expressions manifest in patient language.
Talk 5: Into the world of Reptiles part 1
In this talk Dr. Sankaran talks in detail about the snake families Elapidae, viperidae. He shares the human expressions of the snake experience, the difference between boas and pythons etc. Further he talks about the various materia medica references and correlates them with the source and various rubrics with case examples.
Talk 6: Birds
Further moving on with the study of the Animal Kingdom this talk focuses on the study of Birds. Starting with the introduction to Birds, their characteristic features, the possible human expressions of birds and the classification of birds along with the Homoeopathic remedies are discussed. The other features of birds like their metabolism, vision, food habits, social structure, mating vocal signals etc are discussed which give us a better understanding.
Talk 7: Mammals – 1
Dr. Sankaran shares the general characteristics of mammals, possible Human expression of mammals, their keywords, differentiation and classification. Studying the various case examples along with various families and their remedies, the proving symptoms and their correlation to the feelings in the patient are discussed. Various cases of Lac equinum, Rattus rattus help us understand the mammals.
Talk 8: Mammals -2
Continuing the talk on mammals, in this talk Dr. Sankaran discusses the remedy Lac humanum and his experiences with this remedy and during its proving. Lac felinum, Lac delphinium, Lac leoninum are also discussed and the difference between Canidae and Felidae is discussed in detail.
Dr. Sankaran explains with examples how we tend to take the source words and stick to one kingdom or class but understanding beyond it, at the level of sensations will help us differentiate the patient into the specific Kingdom and group.