Organon Philosophy And Concepts
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- Organon Philosophy And Concepts
Homeopathic philosophy all stems from the universal law of “like cures like” or similia similibus curentur. Hippocrates wrote, “By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured,” and Samuel Hahnemann expanded this fact into the healing art that we know as homeopathy. In 1810, he published the Organon of Medicine, a book that is still as relevant and precise today as it was over 200 years ago. In fact, it’s every homeopath’s core foundation–one of the first books read on the journey towards becoming a homeopath. But time inevitably brings change, and over the past centuries many homeopaths—particularly in the twenty-first century—have discovered new ways in which to interpret the disease states they see in their patients.
This series will explore both the solid base of Hahnemann’s masterwork, as well as the various methods that have evolved from it—methods that have proven over time to be successful in their own right.