Ashok Borkar

Dr Ashok Borkar, a well-known homoeopath practising in the beautiful place, Goa has great expertise in solving deep chronic pathological cases with ease. He is also the author of ‘The Pathological Factor in Homoeopathy’ wherein he has presented a roaster of successfully cured pathological cases using various approaches, incorporating them with the Sensation Approach. He gives a lot of importance to IMMEDIATE CAUSE that is to know, what is threatening the patient’s life at that moment. He explains this concept quite well through a case of an elderly man in the ICU, who he treated some years back. He was a known case of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) and Diabetes mellitus (DM). He complained of oliguria, pyelonephritis with post-septicemic acute renal failure, uremic encephalopathy and an infected ulcer on the foot. He also suffered from breathlessness, hiccups was disoriented, burning pain restlessness, his toes were also amputed due to gangrene. On physical examination Dr borkar found : Flapping tremors ++ , feet and toes – cold to touch, tongue flabby, pulse – irregular, intermittent, weak and slow, dry lips. Thus our goal is to find a remedy which covers the above-discussed state of multiple organ failure along with the pathological process of uraemia and his important symptoms. His ischaemic heart disease, which made him more vulnerable to this problem, is also to be considered. Once the pathology of the case was taken into consideration, then the local symptoms were considered to finalise the remedy. The weak and intermittent nature of pulse, dryness of lips, constipation, and flabby tongue exactly matched the picture of Digitalis. Therefore in this case, Digitalis in 6C potency was given to patient every 2 hourly and the patient recovered miraculously. Dr Borkar with great emphasis states that the most important guide to the remedy in such a case is the cause and the immediate cause of the process, the pathological process, and the symptoms. Following his method helps managing and treating pathological cases more confidently and effectively.
