Sigrid Lindemann
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Sigrid Lindemann
Sigrid Lindemann is teaching Sensation Method in Germany since 2004. She has developed interactive video seminars, complete trainings in Sensation Method (28 days) and 6 day residential Intensives workshops with videocases as well as sessions in experiential learning . Her practice and teaching style evolve continuously, e.g. lately integrating trauma therapy and M. Yakirs evolution of plants. Sigrid Lindemann has a focus in researching in new remedies and remedy groups (Imponderabilia, plantfamilies), casetaking to source, longterm follow up and experiential learning of advanced case taking techniques, e.g. “Deep Casetaking”, “Birth” , “Children”, “Psychiatric cases” – in working with children with special needs and in psychiatry. Sigrid Lindemann publishes since 2009 in Links, Spectrum and “Homeopathia Viva” (in German) She lives and practices in Auroville, South India, and gives seminars in Germany, Spain and India. Besides a homeopath is faculty in “transpersonal regression therapy”, cutting edge modality in pastlife and trauma therapy.